Dealing With A  Baby Who Keeps Waking Up At Night

Dealing With A Baby Who Keeps Waking Up At Night

Posted by Ann on 11th Sep 2023

Baby sleep can indeed be a challenging aspect of new parenthood, and it's common for newborns to wake up frequently during the night. However, with some adjustments to your baby's sleep routine and environment, you can create conditions that promote longer periods of sleep. Here are some tips to help you manage your baby's night wakings:

Mom holding a fussy baby.

4 easy steps to getting longer periods of sleep from your baby.

Baby sleep can indeed be a challenging aspect of new parenthood, and it's common for newborns to wake up frequently during the night. However, with some adjustments to your baby's sleep routine and environment, you can create conditions that promote longer periods of sleep. Here are some tips to help you manage your baby's night wakings:

Establish a consistent bedtime routine

  • Start winding down your baby about 30-45 minutes before their intended bedtime.
  • Activities like a gentle bath, soothing massage, reading a book, or singing lullabies can help signal that it's time for sleep.
  • Minimize stimuli during the routine by using blackout curtains and playing soothing sounds to create a calm atmosphere.

Prioritize comfort

  • Babies may struggle to sleep if they are uncomfortable. Weighted sleep sacks and swaddles, like those from Dreamland Baby, can recreate the feeling of being held in a safe and cozy environment.
  • Ensure the room temperature is comfortable for your baby. They typically need one additional layer compared to adults but be cautious not to overheat them.
  • Keep the crib or bassinet free of stuffed toys or blankets to maintain a safe sleep environment.
No other things are more glorious than the sleeping baby.
- Anonymous
Mom feeding baby in nursery.

Limit interruptions

  • Once your baby is settled, try to minimize interactions with them. Resist the urge to engage with them, even if you're tempted by their adorable face.
  • Avoid unnecessary nighttime wake-ups by sticking to your feeding schedule, including a pre-bedtime feeding.
  • Only wake your baby for a diaper change if it's absolutely necessary to prevent discomfort or leaks.

Stay calm and be patient

  • Understand that babies are adjusting to their new environment and may not sleep through the night right away.
  • Don't put too much pressure on yourself or your baby to achieve a perfect sleep routine. Some nights may be challenging, and that's normal.

Remember, every baby is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. It may take time to figure out the best sleep routine and environment for your baby. Sleep gear, like swaddles and sleep sacks, can offer comfort and a sense of security, but it's essential to consider a combination of factors when addressing your baby's sleep patterns. Be patient, stay consistent with your routines, and consult with your pediatrician if you have concerns about your baby's sleep habits. Sweet dreams to you and your little one!

Written by Ann


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